House Committee on Science, Technology, Energy
Executive Session
March 3, 2015
HB 431, an act relative to the placement of all new electric transmission lines in New Hampshire.
HB 626, an act authorizing energy infrastructure development and designating energy infrastructure corridors.
Result of vote on "Inexpedient to Legislate" HB 431: 11-8 in favor of ITL
In favor of ITL:
Herbert Richardson, STE V. Chair (r) Coos 4
David Murotake (r) Hills 32
Jeanine Notter (r) Hills 21
Glen Aldrich (r) Belk 2
Carolyn Halstead (r) Hills 23
Douglas Thomas (r) Rock 5
Michael Vose (r) Rock 9
Jacqueline Cali-Pits (d) Rock 30
David Borden (d) Rock 24
Robert Backus (d) Hills 19
Suzanne Harvey (d) Hills 29
Opposed to ITL:
Robert Introne, STE Chair (r) Rock 5
James Devine, STE Clerk (r) Rock 4
Laurence Rappaport (r) Coos 1
James Parison (r) Hills 25
William Baber (d) Straf 14
Charles Townsend (d) Graf 11
Marjorie Sherpardson (d) Ches 10
Howard Moffett (d) Merr 9
Absent/not voting: Herbert Vadney (r) Belk 2; John Mann (d) Ches 2.
Speaking against HB 431: Richardson, Backus, Vose, Thomas, Cali-Pits, Halstead.
Speaking in favor of HB 431: Rappaport, Townsend, Baber.
Result of vote to RETAIN HB 626: 16 yea, 2 nay (Notter, Aldrich).
Absent/not voting: Vadney, Mann.
Speaking in favor of HB 626 RETAIN: Moffett.
Report any corrections/additions to burynorthernpass@gmail.com