Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Easton NH 2011 Town Warrant Articles Opposing Northern Pass

Easton NH has just completed writing its articles for the Town Warrant to be voted upon at the March meeting. The town is making more than a symbolic gesture to oppose the Northern Pass, as you will see in the following text. Easton hopes that other towns will do likewise and requests that you bring this to the attention of your selectboard.

The following two warrant articles opposing the Northern Pass Power Transmission Project will appear on the 2011 Easton Town Warrant:

Warrant Article: To see if the Town will vote to support the following resolution:

WHEREAS the Northern Pass Power Transmission Project as presently proposed would pass through the Town of Easton and the White Mountain National Forest, and

WHEREAS this project would blight the landscape and devastate the values of properties within its transmission corridor and adversely impact fragile wildlife habitat and wetlands located within said forest, and

WHEREAS this project would make the area less attractive for outdoor recreational activities and tourism, now be it

RESOLVED that the Town strongly opposes this project, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to: our governor, state and national senators and representatives and to the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission.

Warrant Article: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500 to be expended by the Selectmen at their discretion to oppose the Northern Pass Power Transmission Project.