
Saturday, December 28, 2013

NESCOE on Northern Pass

The New England States Committee on Electricity (NESCOE) advises the New England Governors on energy policies. On September 9, 2013, NESCOE published a whitepaper on Canadian hydropower imports.*

Incremental Hydro Power Imports Whitepaper (Fall 2013)
Excerpt on Northern Pass

New Hampshire public officials note that the Northern Pass proposal faces significant hurdles to  its implementation in its current form. Organized grass-roots opposition by citizens, advocacy groups and state and local elected officials, has led to apparent bipartisan opposition to the project in the New Hampshire Legislature. As of August 2013, proposed bills designed to modify the features of (or prevent the building of) Northern Pass have been introduced in the New Hampshire Legislature. If these efforts are not successful, litigation against the project is likely to follow. Objections against the project center around the potential visual impact of transmission towers on scenic areas of northern New Hampshire, the associated impacts on property values and tourism in the communities along the proposed route, and the belief that the power provided is not needed by New Hampshire, and would be sent to southern New England. (p. 32 n51)
*The link to this study is posted on NESCOE's home page.