
Friday, December 10, 2010

Environmental Injustice in NH

Follow the Money in NH and You Won't Find the HVDC Lines

Q. Where does PSNH want to put their above-ground transmission project?
A. Coos and Grafton Counties

Q. Which two NH counties had the largest percentages of people living below the poverty level in 2008?* 
A. Coos and Grafton Counties (13%, 10.6%)

Q. Which NH county had the lowest median household income in 2008?
A. Coos County ($42,788)

Q. Which NH county had the lowest per capita money income in 1999?
A. Coos County ($17,218)

Q. Will the Northern Pass economically benefit Coos and Grafton Counties?
A. No

Why should NH's most economically disadvantaged area be asked to bear the additional burden of a transmission project that will ruin its beauty and further depress its economy?

This is environmental injustice in action.

Q. What was the total compensation package of Charles W. Shivery, Chairman, PSNH/Northeast Utilities, in 2008?
A. $6,466,795.**

Q. What was the total compensation package of Gary Long, President and COO, PSNH, in 2008?
A. $708,393.**

* Statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau

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