
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Champlain-Hudson Power Express: Safe & Secure Underground HVDC

It Can be Done!

A more secure, safe, environmentally sensitive and a less socially disruptive way to transmit HVDC power. 2,000 MW over 355 miles, as compared to Northeast's1200 MW over 140 miles. An energy corporation that collaborates with a maritime museum! It is not impossible, too expensive, lacking feasibility, out of the question....

Alternative Clean Power Transmission Project Announced

Champlain-Hudson Power Express Will Deliver Safe, Secure, Affordable, Renewable Energy for the North East
Transmission Developers Inc. (TDI) today announced plans to develop an innovative power transmission line that will bring safe, secure, affordable, renewable power to New York and New England from the U.S.-Canadian border. The transmission power line, called the Champlain-Hudson Power Express (CHPE), will be a High Voltage direct current (HVdc) cable designed to principally run under waterways to minimize the impact to local communities and the environment. This project will deliver renewable power to meet growing energy demand, increase electric grid security and reduce consumer energy costs. Donald Jessome, President and CEO of TDI said, “One of the biggest challenges we face in the development of new renewable energy sources is safely and efficiently transporting that power from areas where it is created to markets where the power is most needed. This innovative project offers real opportunity to deliver low cost power to areas in need with minimal disruption to local communities and environments.”

Once all the necessary approvals are granted, TDI would install a 355 mile HVdc cable from Canada to the New York metro area. The cable route would follow major waterways, including the Hudson River and Lake Champlain, and an additional 65 mile underwater connection to Bridgeport, Connecticut. While the line will be principally placed underwater, it will be installed alongside existing rail right of ways in certain areas to avoid areas of Hudson River PCB dredging. The CHPE project will deliver up to 2,000 megawatts (MW) of clean hydroelectric and wind power now being targeted for development in Canada to help meet growing energy demands in the New York and New England markets. TDI has met with local elected officials, stakeholders and environmental and interest groups over the past year to brief them on the project. These groups and other stakeholders will play an important advisory role in the regulatory review process and in TDI’s development of the project. Adam Kane of the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum said, “We are pleased that TDI has reached out to us as the Champlain-Hudson Power Express is developed. We look forward to working with the company to ensure that this project will protect Lake Champlain’s rich history, while providing renewable energy to areas that have growing energy needs.” The Lake Champlain Maritime Museum’s mission is to preserve and share the rich history of the Lake Champlain region.
Full text at:

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