
Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year's Resolution: Contact Your Legislator

Contact Info for NH House Representatives

2011 begins the campaign to oppose the Northern Pass in earnest. We have already come a very long way in barely two months, but this will be a long project. Each of you is crucial to its success. Our opponents will be watching to see how long we last. So will others who make predictions about equity returns and the like. It's their job.... but it's our lives, communities, environments, and livelihoods that are at stake.

Make a New Year's resolution to contact all your legislators. It doesn't matter whether you email, snail mail, or phone. The important part is to let your elected officials know what you feel about the high voltage power line and that we won't go away.

We are kicking off the year by providing an updated list of NH House Representatives for Carroll, Grafton, and Coos Counties. It includes US mail and email addresses as well as phone numbers. We'll provide similar lists for other legislators soon.

Please bookmark this blog so that you can return to the list and write to all the elected officials who represent you. They cannot push for your interests if they don't know what they are.

Happy New Year!

Bury the Northern Pass is a group of concerned citizens in Grafton County; we work in coordination with our neighbors in Coos County. To join the email list, write to